5 Reasons why Civil Engineering Freshers in India don't get paid well | Ascend School of Construction Business

5 reasons civil engineering construction industry demand Nov 02, 2022
5 Reasons why Civil Engineering Freshers in India don't get paid well

Getting a high-paying job is difficult, especially if you are a fresh civil construction candidate who is just out of college. There are many reasons why a Civil Engineer doesn't get paid well compared to his/her peers from other branches like CSE, EEE, ECE, etc. To begin with, there are many types of Civil Engineers. Many of them have specialized degrees, such as Engineering Physics, Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering Geology, Engineering Economics, and Engineering Mechanics. For some of them, this can lead to big differences in salary, and they are paid accordingly.

Here are 5 reasons why Civil Engineers are not paid well:

1. Lack of standardization: There is no standardized salary chart for Civil Engineer jobs in India. This means that the salaries vary greatly from company to company, and even within the same company, the salaries of different engineers can vary widely. For example, a civil site engineer in a contractor company can be Rs 8,000 per month for a fresher civil engineer job and Rs 20,000 per month for the same role in a client company

2. Limited job opportunities: The number of job opportunities for Civil Engineers is limited when compared to other branches of engineering like CSE, ECE, etc. This is because there are only a few fields in which Civil Engineers can work, such as construction, infrastructure development, and public works.

3. Lack of experience: One of the main reasons why Civil Engineers don't get paid well is because they lack experience. This is mainly because the field of Civil Engineering is very vast, and it takes many years to gain a comprehensive understanding of all its aspects.

4. Low demand: Civil Engineers are not in high demand like their counterparts from other branches of engineering. This is because most companies prefer to hire engineers with specialization in specific domains like Structural Engineering or Environmental Engineering.

5. Limited scope for research: Civil Engineers don't have a lot of scope for research and development, unlike their counterparts from other branches like CSE or EEE. This is mainly because the field of Civil Engineering is more practical than theoretical, and most companies prefer engineers who are more focused on application than on research and development.

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